Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Roller Derby ♥

Last night, I went back to roller derby bootcamp, level 1, at South Side Roller Derby, 11 weeks now after having my beautiful baby girl. It’s so crazy that not but a year and half ago, I was playing with my team on the banked track. At that time, I had decided to take a break and to surprise my hubby that I was ready to have a baby J I skated my last game with my MobStars October of 2011. I hadn’t been skating regularly at the time either due to a bad back. Needless to say, I wasn’t exactly full blown derby at the time. I had lost my interest I think and definitely slacked on my skills. I can’t believe how nervous I was getting back on my skates. I’m so glad my friend Taylor had been asking me about bootcamp for years and could finally make it because I don’t know if I would have gone if I hadn’t promised her we would go in February. Sure enough, February came up quick. Our first night was last night. I was so surprised being around all the new faces. I remember that…I missed that. See, once you get your skills, move on, go through try outs, make a team, play the games…you enter a different world of derby. I love that world but you lose track of where you came from and this is what I was going through. I was starting over going back to where I came from, where I started. I loved every minute of it. Sure, I may have been a bit advanced with the actual moves than the others but the work out was just the same as the others. I guess that’s another reason why I’m really loving starting over. This is giving me a chance to get even better at the basics like working on my t-stops on my less dominant foot so that eventually I can pull those t-stops on both legs like a mofo pro! ;)

I’m so glad that Taylor had been asking about roller derby bootcamp and that we are finally getting to do this together. I’m getting the best of both worlds. I really am. Granted I am starting over and my body and my skills totally show it but I have the background. With Taylor, I get to see that brand new excitement, that brand new nervousness, not knowing what in the world she would be doing and how she was going to do. She did amazing by the way. Her excitement got me so excited for her and myself because it is truly something being a part of roller derby despite the new girl, feeling each other out, with some giving odd looks or even feeling the admiration looks too because sometimes some people get it faster than others even starting off brand new. If you’ve been there you know exactly what I am talking about. Like I was telling Taylor too, you pull yourself out of that. I mean it’s a bunch of girls together all the time, there is going to be drama but the bottom line is we all have a connection and that bottom line love for each other.

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